Founded in 2014, Club ID NO. 85518
Rotary International District-3281, Bangladesh


RCC Taluk Nagar: A Model Village

Taluk Nagar, a beautiful lash green village under Kolia union of Daulatpur thana of Manikgonj district. Though it is low lying area near the mighty river Jamuna, the village was rich in culture and education since British period. You will see lots of green and water bodies around if you walk through the approximately 4 km long and 3km wide village.  Roughly seven thousand people live in this village, of which mail female ratio is almost equal. You will hardly find any kids at Taluk Nagar who are not attending either any of the three Primary schools or only KG school of the village. Hence, the literacy rate in 80+%. There is one High School and one College at Taluk Nagar village namely Taluk Nagar College. In addition, a govt. approved ‘vocational training institute’ is operative at Taluk Nagar High School.

People from different religious belief lives here in harmony. Majority off course are Muslims. There is a Madrasa and two Etimkhana for offering religious education. Unlike many other villages in Bangladesh, Taluk Nagar has nine Masjid for offering prayers. Young boys of Taluk Nagar are sporty and there is a sports’ club namely ‘Udoy Sena Sports Club’. There is one community clinic and one post office at the village.

As a village, Taluk Nagar was always culturally rich. The first village theater “Taluk Nagar Theater’ was established with the initiative of famous writer and Professor of Jahangirnagar University Prof. Selim Al Din. You can consider “Taluk Nagar Selim Al Din Pathagar” as Public Library of Taluk Nagar. There is another ‘pathagar’ at Taluk Nagar College open for the book lovers. There are village folk singers who sings  jari, sari and vatiali. Famous folk singer Shadak Azhar Boyati born in Taluk Nagar. Every year a ‘mela’ (village fare) organized in memory of Shadak Azhar Boyati. The village is famous for different varieties of traditional ‘pitha’ namely chitoi, patisapta, chit-pitha, puli, vapa etc. People of Taluk Nagar are very friendly, generous and accommodative. Hospitality is part of their culture. People of Taluk Nagar are conscious socially and politically. A local politician represented in the parliament as MP already.

Taluk Nagar is an agro-based village, producing three crops every year. Main crops are paddy. Different types of dal and vegetables are also plenty here. Villagers sell their product in local weekly ‘hat’ and daily bazar. Waterbodies including ponds, dighi, lakes and Taluk Nagar ‘bil’ is the source of plenty of fish round the year. 

Rotary Club of Dhaka Mega City (RCDMC) considered Taluk Nagar as it’s RCC (Rotary Community Cope) village in 2014.  Since then, RCDMC is participating in many development activities of Taluk Nagar. Among these, 120 feet Taluk Nagar Rotary Bridge and ‘Comfort Center’ for female students of Taluk Nagar High School are most prominent. Apart from this, RCDMC supports in many other service projects, e.g.; ensuring pure drinking water for 100% people by installing tube well, ensuring 100% sanitary latrine for the villagers, repair/construction of roads, support to the local schools/college, scholarship/financial assistance to students, sponsoring cultural program for the students, Job placement, recognition to freedom fighters, donation of books to school/college library, financial assistance to poor families/differently able children, health & medical assistance for villagers, emergency food support to poor families, plantation & distribution of plants, releasing fish fry to ponds, donation of goats/pigeon/chicken for income generation, educating village women/girls on personal health etc.

Rtn. Abdus Salm Khan, a veteran Rotarian and member of Rotary Club of Dhaka Mega City was born in a noble family of Taluk Nagar. He is the frontrunner in all such development activities in Taluk Nagar under the banner of Rotary. He named his house after rotary as “Rotary Bari” and establish ‘rotary garden’, ‘rotary pond’ etc. at his house. Mega City is committed to do more for improving the living standards of the people of this village.

By Rtn Mohammad Bul Hassan PHF, a well-wisher of Taluk Nagar village